With the auditorium being remodeled, this year’s play will be much different than what audience members are used to.
In previous years, East plays and musicals were performed in Robbins Auditorium. However, while the auditorium is being remodeled, the theater is inaccessible. Theater director Kevin Welsh has found a way around this issue.
This year, the play is composed of three separate one acts: “Blu” by Gloria Bond Clunie, “Bully-Bully” by Cherie Bennet and “A Bully There Be” by Lisa Dillman. All centered around the theme of bullying, the three separate stories will last about 20 minutes each. Each act will be held in a different area; one will be in C110, another in C104 and the last in the commons.
With three different areas, the audience will have to move from one to the next. Audience members will have the option of where they go after each show. After each act, the audience will be dismissed to get concessions and switch areas if they would like to. Each 20 minute show will play a total of three times each night.
This setup is very different than what both audience members and actors are used to. Actors and technicians are excited and nervous for the new challenges this type of play will bring.
This new layout brings a whole new set of challenges to the technical side of theater. Technicians have to learn all new lighting and sound equipment as well as how and where to store props during the shows.
Not only do the technicians have to get used to the new difficulties, actors have to learn their way around some new challenges as well. Actors have to get used to a whole new set of rules, particularly those acting in the commons. They have to learn how to work with a smaller stage and how to develop their characters in such a short amount of time.
“The Bully Plays” will be performed on Nov. 8, 9 and 10. On Nov. 8 and 9, the plays will begin performing at 7 pm. On Nov. 10, the plays will begin at 2:30 pm. Come support the East drama program.