School is one of the most social environments one encounters in a lifetime. High school, one of the most known environments, is where people have said that they discover themselves and their ambitions. Everyone is diverse and is taking their own route to fulfill this goal.
However, sometimes it takes some students time to feel out what their ideas and desires are. For Kadey Romero, a sophomore at East, this obstacle is confronted.
“Graduate,” Romero said.
The most common goal of highschool is graduation. In other words, no one wants to fail. Students like Romero are focused on this goal and how they will get there through education. On the other hand, this goal is not the most fun to accomplish. Assignments and school work can be overwhelming and not enjoyable to accomplish.
East includes many branches of learning where you can take specific classes that are related to a larger topic. For example, Marine Biology is an available class and is a branch off from the topic of biology. These classes are not well-known, however. This is why it can be difficult to find an occupation for one who does not know what they are interested in.
“I really liked gym. I wanted to retake it but I had to do other things,” Romero said.
Courses like gym are mandatory to complete in order to obtain all required credits for graduation. The default of this is that there are not many other courses some, like Romero, can take that are similar to gym. Weights is an option, but weights also does not appeal to some students. Freshmen and sophomores need help to become more aware of optional courses.
“Things to do with animals. Not necessarily a veterinarian,” Romero said as she described her interest in an animals providing her with a future career. “I like animals, but not vet.”
East provides courses such as Animal Science. Specific courses like this help students’ passions grow for different occupations. East embraces each students’ personal interests, therefore encouraging students to take classes that have captured their attention.
While juniors and seniors are more close to discovering themselves, or already have, freshman and sophomores can still be oblivious to the many opportunities East provides. Not knowing what you would like to do when you get older is an intimidating feeling, but can be overcome by looking more into different subjects.
If a topic is interesting to people and gives them joy, then going to school and doing assignments is not going to be as bad as it might have been before. Through the help of East’s counselors, different courses for different passions can be found. This way, students will overcome their obstacles of not knowing and discover their own self.