Design By: Allie Hall
Immigration has become a controversial topic in America. With the election of President Donald Trump back in 2016, the bickering only continued to grow more. Currently, Americans are under the Immigration and Nationality Act. For a while, this law allowed the United States to grant and confirm 675,000 permanent immigration visas each year.
In 2019, Trump’s administration was set on allowing no more than 30,000 visas. This has been the lowest set number in history. In 2018, the number of admits was 45,000. Trump has set caps on regions, such as Africa being allowed 11,000, while Europe and Central Asia are allowed 3,000.
The public struck back hard due to these rules. The Wayfair walkout occurred in June and July of 2019. Wayfair is an online retail store, and employees chose to do a strike to protest their employer’s sale of beds to an immigrant detention center. Immigrant detention centers are where individuals suspected of visa violations and illegal entry actions are kept. These centers also include individuals who may be deported.
The Wayfair walkout goal was to have the company cancel its contract to supply beds and instead donate the money to a group that helps immigrant children. Activists have also been going after Trump’s Department of Homeland Security and target companies relating to him.
In April, Trump chose yet another different route. Currently, he is planning to suspend immigration to the U.S. amid the coronavirus pandemic. Trump claims that by sealing the borders, American’s and their jobs will be protected.
“In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens,” Trump said on Twitter. “I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!”
This announcement has had expected backlash. Immigration rights groups debunk the claims of immigration being bad for American workers and how there is little relation between immigration and wages. Others claim that this is the only solution Trump can find to end the COVID-19 pandemic when it will do close to nothing at all.