The word adaptable can be defined as the ability to adjust to new situations. Junior Adelfo Perez- Gonzalez fits the definition of adaptable, as over half of his life has been spent moving across Indiana and trying to find his light in between schools and cities.

“[The divorce and moving] really had a hit on me. In third grade, I had focusing problems which resulted in being held back… I had always expected to have a perfect family, but in reality, that rarely happens,” Gonzalez said.
Adelfo explains that after the divorce he became less serious about school and his interests at home. His grades, friendships and motivation for completing his work fell as the years went on.
“I barely made friends during the time, which is hard to believe because now I am very outgoing. Those years were really challenging,” Gonzalez said.
Gonzalez believes that there are perks and disadvantages to divorces. Although the commonality of divorce is unfortunate, it can be an advantage in some situations. Without the divorce of his parents, Gonzalez would have never attended East.
Gonzalez states that East is wholesome compared to the other districts and schools he has been involved in. The other schools he went to began to add to the mental challenges Gonzalez was fighting through.
Other schools Gonzalez had attended contained the typical high school stereotypes, which include the bullies, jocks and backstabbers. When he came to East and started meeting people, he was stunned at how his world quickly became flipped in a positive direction.
“There is nothing that can compare to East when it comes to the atmosphere and teachers,” Gonzalez said. “East has given me the ability to be included, with no limits of who I am”.