You may have seen her in the halls around the school, in Speech co-leading a discussion, or in the school paper with her name next to the title of co-editor in chief. For her last year, senior Monica Burton has high expectations of what this school year will entail, but her main focus is to enjoy her last time designing for East publications.

Burton has really liked being in both Newspaper and Yearbook throughout her high school career, but when asked what staff she liked more, she had to go with Newspaper.
“I really like Newspaper because it’s more timely. For Newspaper, it’s like what’s going on now and I get to design instead of more pages with photos and text,” Burton said.
Designing means a lot to Burton. When she started out in Newspaper her sophomore year, she thought mainly that she would end up focusing on writing, but in a turn of events, she tried out design and really liked it. She even has thoughts of possibly taking it to the next level in her future career.
“I’d have to say I want to be some sort of engineer, not sure what specific field yet but I’m interested in Civil Engineering,” Burton said. “Right now I’m taking an architecture class at North and that involves lots of design.”
A career in engineering can be a challenging one. It requires being excellent in math, physics and other related courses. However, with her strong interest in the design aspect of it, she knows she will find what is right for her.
“God always has a plan for you. Everything will work out in the end,” Burton said. “Maybe it’s not what you expect but I just know He has the ultimate plan.”
Even if she does not know what exactly she is doing yet for her future, Burton knows there is a plan in store for her.