Friday Feuds: Is yoga an effective consequence for students?

Soren Fox and Luke Harpring

East guidance counselor Andy Taube has created a new and creative discipline for students. Kids can now attend a yoga class in the library in place of a detention or another minor consequence. Hear two different opinions on the new consequence below.


Yes (Soren)

Many would think the typical disciplinary actions at East are effective, but Mr.Taube has recently offered a new method of challenging students in a nontraditional way. Students can now opt out of Friday school with two sessions of yoga and one session for detention.

Students should be punished for repeat offenses, but everyone makes mistakes and with the use of yoga to open one's mind and reflect on their choices is a  more effective approach than to stick students in a room where they are losing valuable learning time.

Not only is Mr.Taube teaching yoga he is asking the students to reflect and set a goal for themselves. For hopes that students will learn and change their mindsets for the better. Which normal punishments do not offer, they give no way in helping the student besides working on homework.

The yoga is not only for the mental aspect, but also physical. Mr.Taube plans on teaching the students that yoga takes minimal effort and focuses more on helping our bodies from the stress of everyday life.

The sessions are open to anyone and only be applied as punishment for minor offenses, which is great because it gives the students the chance to reflect on the mistakes they have made and pinpoint the problems before they get out of hand.

By helping the students contemplate their mistakes the yoga classes will give them a better likelihood of changing for the better.

No (Luke)

Recent changes in the disciplinary system at East have made it so that rather than serving 45 minutes of detention, a student can opt into a yoga session. This change has been implemented by Mr. Taube, who will be teaching the classes himself.

Personally, I think that the concept of replacing detention, a punishment, with a session of yoga and personal reflection loosens the consequences of students’ actions and will not benefit overall student behavior patterns.

Smaller violations of school rules like being late or skipping class need to be addressed seriously, because without correcting students’ behaviors immediately, poor habits can quickly develop and students can become recurrent offenders.

Detention is not an enjoyable experience, but it serves the purpose of taking away a few minutes of a student's’ free time as a consequence for their actions. By exchanging this traditional punishment for an alternative yoga session, the clear disapproving message to students regarding their behavior is lost.

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The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of The Oracle, Columbus East High School, and Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation.