Senior Project Spotlight: My Book Buddies Experience

Max Nolting, Writer

With the school year coming to an end, it is time for juniors to start looking towards their senior year, and with senior year comes the infamous senior project. For the majority of juniors, there is a lot to think about when it comes to this project. Probably the most obvious concern is what to do for your senior project. Personally I was very confused when it came to what I was going to do for my senior project, until I found out about Book Buddies.

Book Buddies is a reading program for elementary students. When involved in this program, you will be working alongside your designated Book Buddy, guiding them through their reading. Throughout the student’s reading, you will give the student certain tips that will help them better complete their reading.

Being a Book Buddy is an extremely rewarding process. Throughout being a Book Buddy you are able to see how your student has grown through their reading. When these elementary students have a Book Buddy, they are able to gain confidence and enjoy their reading.

As a Book Buddy it’s important to make the process as enjoyable as possible. Seeing your buddy smile and laugh is great to see. Another rewarding process of book buddies is seeing your students move up levels on their reading assessments. It really makes the whole process worth it when you see your student improving and getting better through your teaching.

Overall Book Buddies is a great way to get involved in your community and help an elementary student grow through their reading.