C4 hosts firearm training simulator to educate students and faculty
Junior Jose Diaz uses the FATS during his C4 Law Enforcement class.
February 3, 2016
Within the past decade, shootings have become more common both globally and locally. Due to this rising popularity, it is vital to be educated in gun safety, quick reaction time, and smart-decision making.
From January 29 to February 3, the C4 Students of BCSC had the opportunity to improve these skills by participating in the Firearms Training Simulator held at East in room C111. Columbus East High School’s C4 Criminal Justice classes partnered with the Columbus Police Department in order to form this program.
C4 Criminal Justice teacher Mike Ward says, “Students can expect real-life scenarios, such as talking, engaging, and tactical communication (at the FATS). They can then practice loading and shooting weapons, and participating in these real-life scenarios.”
This event was not only limited to students, for teachers and other faculty members were also welcome to attend. Ward said that teachers benefit from the FATS because they get to see dangerous situations from a police officer’s point of view.
“After participating in FATS, students will understand the difficulty of making life and death decisions,” Ward says. “They will learn to react quickly and effectively in order to control intense situations.”