“You” Season Two Review

January 23, 2020
The chilling, yet addicting, Netflix show has recently released its second season. “You” season two had some major changes compared to season one, as it gets harder to stop watching a charming-but-deadly main character, Joe Goldberg.
Goldberg, played by Penn Badgley, has gotten away with murder more than once in season one. Beck, his ex-girlfriend, was the last to be murdered, as Joe killed every friend of hers that got in the middle of their relationship. His extreme way of dealing with relationship problems only continues to worsen as the episodes continue.
Joe seems to have moved to Los Angeles at the beginning of season two as he believed his previous girlfriend, before Beck, would come looking for him. Joe told viewers that Candace was dead, suspecting that he killed her as well for never loving him back. A new city to call home means a whole new identity, which is when Joe became Will. Later on in L.A, he finds his next “soulmate,” Love. A little predictable, Will begins his way of showing affection. He murders everyone who gets in between him and Love.
Season two involved Candace more as she becomes the villain of the plot. Her big plan was to expose who Will really was and shine light on his bad side. She puts a reality check in the show to show viewers that Will is not just a handsome character, but he is a controlling murderer.
Getting caught up in Joe’s crimes makes it hard to pick up the remote and turn the TV off as unexpected plots occur. The end of season two leaves viewers in wonder as to why Joe is the way he is. The audience seems to want a season three as the last seconds of season two end on a cliffhanger. With Joe never being diagnosed with a mental illness, his sadistic actions continue. Keep an eye open as to when season three will appear on Netflix as they recently announced that they will be releasing it in 2021.