National Art Honors Society hosting t-shirt sale
Students Madi Allen, Marselle Barbieri, Kailyn Hilycord and Nia Pontius display shirts that can be bought during 5A and 5B.
December 8, 2015
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during mods 5A and 5B, the National Art Honors Society will be selling tie dye t-shirts. The shirts are $10 each. This sale is a fundraiser and the money goes to different things every year.
“A couple years ago we gave all the money to a student who needed support for his/her family. About two years ago we decided to give all our money to an art department in Brown County. Last year they renovated their apartment,” said Mrs. Kocur, an East Art teacher.
T-shirts are available in different colors and patterns, and there are multiple sizes to choose from.