Opinion: Resource
East students work hard in resource.
March 27, 2017
While thinking through one’s high school schedule, resource is often deemed as the best “class” of the day.
At East, resource is a time of day specifically dedicated to allowing students to work on homework, ask teachers questions or catch up on late assignments.
However, the great benefits of resource partnered with the open layout of East’s resource floor provides students with the ever-present challenge of staying focused.
Therefore, the idea of having a schedule with multiple resources is considered to be somewhat controversial.
I currently have two resources, as well as a double lunch because of the class Leap Mentors. At the beginning of the school year, I requested two resources due to the predicted intensity and heavy workload of my rigorous schedule – and they have proven to be very advantageous.
But, as an extrovert, I know all too well that the temptation of social interaction is difficult to resist. My love and appreciation for resource has not declined because of this temptation, however my efficiency has definitely been tested.
I imagine it’d be difficult to find students that object to the possession of numerous resources, for resource supplies students with the opportunity to be both social and productive. Overall, I am thankful to go to a school that promotes educational advancement in a fun, interactive manner.
Ethan Jackson • Feb 9, 2018 at 7:29 am
Personally, i think we need to be more stricter when it comes to social interaction. As a teenager struggling with Aspergers i find it really difficult to do homework, read, study, or do virtually anything when there is a lot of loud noise going on and off. Sure if someone is working together on a project, then an inside voice would be understandable(as long as they are on topic.) but when someone uses their time to be loud and obnoxious around me, it discourages me from doing my work and i end up not doing anything. This shouldn’t just apply to just resource but every class should make sure everyone is quiet, polite, and considerate of others working, and because of my social anxiety i find it quite hard to speak up for myself (though putting that statement out there, i should really try to break out of my shell) All i’m saying is, we need to crack down on people’s loudness so that everyone can work and function on the same level