Day In the Life: Bookstore Ladies

Design By: Allie Hall

Design By: Allie Hall

When you come to school in the morning, something you may not notice is how clean the floors in the halls are or how organized the bookstore shelves are. These are things that people can pass right by and not pay a second thought to, but now it is time to bring to light who completes these important jobs. 

Two crucial roles at East are filled by bookstore manager, Carol Pennington and her assistant Linda Wiczynski. Pennington manages the bookstore here at East and has done so for a while. She is the person to go to for a textbook, a calculator for math or if you have book fees to deliver. What many people do not know is that it takes a lot to run a highschool bookstore. 

Around the beginning of the year can be an especially busy time for the bookstore. The first three days when students come in with their schedules requesting books for classes can get crazy, but without the dedication and organization of these two ladies it would be complete chaos.

“Book distribution is very busy, especially the first day,” Wiczynski said. “Near the end it’s actually a lot more busy then because students just come in one at a time.”

Another job that the bookstore also does is take care of any fees for students and the school.

“Book payments, school fees, those are some of the other jobs we take care of here,” Wiczynski said. “People bring in their payments and I have to process that and make the deposits for that at the end of the month.”

 While it can be busy anytime for the bookstore, Pennington and Wiczynski have been working together for so long now that they have a system that works without flaw.

“We just have done this for years and we do it the same way and it’s always worked,” Wiczynski said. “We are conscientious of the student schedules.” Wiczynski said.

This goes to show that our bookstore ladies deserve a thank you once in a while for all that they do to make our school run smoothly.