Cable television's staple reality TV show, Survivor, is back after a year long break. Back on their regular airing schedule, Survivor came on with a two hour season premiere Wednesday Sept. 22. After...
Olivia Rodrigo was only 12 when she booked her first acting gig in a commercial for Old Navy in 2013. She booked her first Disney gig a year later playing Paige Olvera on the show Bizaardvark. In 2019,...
After a year and 3 live listening parties, Donda finally dropped on Aug 29. Kanye West previously had held two album listening parties at Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, and another in Chicago's Soldier...
What I Thought About the Oscars
Best Actress: Frances McDormand (Nomadland)
Who I think should have won: Carey Mulligan (Promising Young Woman)
How many Oscars are the Academy going to give Frances...
After six long weeks the second Marvel show, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finally wrapped up. It did a commendable job in making these sidekicks matter more to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole....
As huge influencers like David Dobrik and James Charles have been under fire for being problematic, members of the H3 podcast have swept in quickly to provide commentary and insight on the...
Starring Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” is only halfway finished with its first season, but has already garnered plenty of media attention with its touching...
Since the death of Alex Trebeck, Jeopardy has been experimenting with new hosts. It seems that for now, the game show will feature guest hosts throughout the next season. The guest hosts will not receive...
After years of campaigning for the release of this movie, fans of DC were finally able to experience director Zach Snyder’s original vision for the 2017 Justice League movie. After watching, it is clear...
The highly anticipated season finale of WandaVision is now available on Disney Plus. The show was a total of nine episodes long and captivated viewers, keeping up the suspense week to week.
The episode...
With WandaVision’s climactic final episode hitting Disney+ last week, fans got their first taste of Marvel Phase 4, proving that the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is sure to be a bright one...