Ginny and Georgia Season 2 Review


Season 2 of the Netflix Original Series, Ginny & Georgia, picks up shortly after the events of the Season 1 finale. 

Our nominal mother-daughter duo is not exactly thriving due to previous events in Season 1. Ginny is still dazed from the discovery that her mom is a murderer, naturally, but she’s also still trying to cope with her normal teen drama and her own mental health and stability on top of it all. 

Ginny’s first-ever real friends, Maxine, Abby, and Norah have cut her off completely after finding out about her and Marcus’s, Maxine’s twin brother, secret romance. 

Meanwhile Georgia, although newly engaged to the re-elected Mayor Paul Randolph and the soon-to-be First Lady of Wellsbury, is not feeling too excited without her kids in the house since they ran from their “psychotic” mother at the end of Season 1. 

There has always been tension between Ginny and Georgia from the start — their complex dynamic is arguably the most compelling aspect of the series — but Season 2 finds the mother/daughter duo more distant than ever before. 

There is a lot to love in Season 2 of Ginny & Georgia — including multilayered performances from the actors that play both Ginny’s actor (Antonia Gentry) and Georgia’s actor (Brianne Howey). This season, the audience gets a much deeper, more subtle dive into Ginny’s mental health following her and Austin’s escape from Georgia, and a more intimate look into a few key supporting characters and dynamics. Where it hesitates, unfortunately, is when it discards those meaningful relationships in favor of a cheap thrill.