Ranked: The Musical


I went to see Ranked: The Musical, which was held in the East auditorium. I personally loved the musical, it was amazing. I could tell that everyone in the crowd really enjoyed the performance. The cast did a very good job telling the story and representing their own characters.

The acting and singing is what really made the play special. It was obvious that everything had been practiced over and over again until it was perfected. Everyone put everything they had into making the performance stunning.

I was impressed with the amount of memorization the cast has to do. Having long lines and being able to remember them with ease is something that takes true talent to do; talent that I do not have.

The setting was also really well constructed. I loved the green and white colors on the main stand and the posters added to the scenes. The scenes that were depicted in a house looked as if they were professionally made.

Overall, the play amazed me. I am proud of everyone who took time to make the play possible. It was well managed by tech and the directors; and I congratulate all the actors, stage hands and the developers.