What’s new on Netflix?

There’s something for everyone in Netflix’s upcoming releases.

Whats new on Netflix?

Sam Newell, Writer

Although Netflix is already the premier video streaming service used by students, improvements are coming in the form of new material added to the already extensive Netflix library. From gritty, serious television shows to comedy specials, there’s something for everyone in Netflix’s upcoming releases.

“Narcos” – This new Netflix exclusive portrays the rise of Colombian drug lord, Pablo Escobar, as well as the federal agents’ attempts to capture him.

“The Hurt Locker” – Jeremy Renner stars as a bomb-disposal expert in Baghdad in this 2008 film. Hair-raising suspense, emotional trauma, and an attempt at realism makes for a unique movie about the war.

“Doctor Who: Season 8” – Something about time travel and a police box.

“Demetri Martin: Live (At The Time)” – Quirky comedian Demetri Martin embraces his unique style of quick-firing punchlines tagged onto ten-second stories.

“30 for 30: Angry Sky” – In 2012, Felix Baumgartner had a dream to break the world freefall record. Nick Piantanida had that same dream about 50 years earlier. This ESPN film reviews Piantanida’s attempt to overcome barriers such as lack of training, technology, and knowledge.