For most students high school starts with excitement and the feeling that after a few short years, they will be out in the world ready to start their life. It is commonly felt that three years of high school are all repetitive and feel similar until you reach your last year, senior year.
A lot of schools around the world do things to highlight their seniors. Most of these things are done with the approval of the principal.
It is common for seniors to do a school prank. This can include being allowed in the school after hours and decorating the building, other times seniors sleep in the parking lot or even having a day for all seniors to skip without consequences, if the principal approves it.
Senior shenanigans are simple activities that make the school year a blast for the upperclassman.
Here at East, all students play a role in the senior shenanigans. In the past students have slept in the parking lot in their cars during the school week, senior skip day, and even senior sunrise.
These fun activities are a way for seniors to enjoy their last year with their friends. It is a time when seniors make the last memories with their graduating class.